Monday, 1 August 2011

Perfect Timing....

Apologies for my lack of posting last week, lately there do not seem to be enough hours in the day. I am currently on holiday and with the lead up to coming away I was my usual organised self, but still everything was not possible, how is that?! Anyway I realised that apart from my wrist watch, clocks are not really a feature in my home. So here are some images I loved and might use for inspiration to improve my timekeeping, enjoy! Happy Monday x


Natalia | Look-A-Porter said...

So charming! Especially the good old alarm clocks - love these little babies. :)

Unknown said...

Gorgeous inspiration, I love to use clocks in my decor as well.

Jessie said...

Lovely images! I am obsessed with watches and clocks! Previously, I hang a huge decorative roman clock above the fireplace and it gets lots of compliments! :)

Now, I want a flip clock! :)


The Internet Garbage said...

What a sweet post! Love all of the photos, but unfortunately, the clocks just reminded me that summertime is running out! Waah!

I love your site, and hope that you will stop by mine, The Internet Garbage, and check it out! We have a lot of cool music and concert photos up, so I hope that you will like it!

Claudia Lane said...

what a wonderful post, love all the clocks and the fresh ideas...enjoy your holiday...:)
Claudia xo

Swirls of Happy said...

I love clocks too!!! That last pic is so cool.

Joan said...

such an inspiration! ;)

anyaadores said...

Tic toc tic toc - love this post - brilliant.
A xxxx