Thursday, 18 August 2011


Short & sweet it's my birthday, 23 has finally come around an not a number I'm that keen on not rounded enough, but anyway here are some sparkly party pictures I love an would love to include on my day! Enjoy! X


Claudia Lane said...

Happy Birthday!!!...23 sounds like the perfect age to me...enjoy your day :)

Claudia xo

Natalia | Look-A-Porter said...

Happy birthday, sweetie!!! And God, you are still such a baby and got so much to look forward to! xxx

Gild and Grace said...

Happy birthday to you! Agh 23 was one of my favorite years, enjoy :) Abbey x

alicia said...

cute post! love the images.

Meghan @ Wishful Thinking said...

Happy Birthday! 23 was my favourite age, I was really sad to see it go when I turned 24 a few months ago. Hope you have a fabulous day!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Abigail!!! Hope you have a wonderful time. Big hug to you from across the pond. :)

Jessie said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Abigail! Hope you had a wonderful celebration!
