Thursday, 23 June 2011

Eye Wear..Face Frames

When i was a kid and had to get my eyes tested by the school nurse I purposely would squint hoping that she might say I needed glasses, it never happened. I don't know why i wanted them but anyway my time has come, thanks to my bookworm habits and computer usage with work and blogging the specs were needed. Trying them on I was thrown as I looked so different, but I eventually settled on a classy pair of Prada's and a funky pair of Gucci glasses. I will post pics soon to see what you all think but in the meantime I discovered these images that I loved, enjoy x


Marie said...

I LOVE it all! Looks so cool and sophisticated!
xx Marie

Anonymous said...

I really love the look of white frames in these images. Can't wait to see what you picked out! :)

Katie Elizabeth said...

I did the same thing!! I thought I was the only one! I always wanted glasses, but I have perfect vision. Finally I just bought a pair of Juicy glasses to wear while using the computer - no prescription!

xo katie elizabeth

Swirls of Happy said...

I LOVE glasses and that last pic is awesome!! I love a good retro frame. I want some Warby Parker's!!